Deploying on StackOS — AWS of web3

Smiral Rashinkar
3 min readJan 10, 2022

Ever deployed any application on cloud using docker containers? Pretty simple right? Be it frontend , backend or any service , if you’ve dockerised it and deployed it ever on kubernetes- You know its convenient and simple.

What if we could deploy the same applications on web3 ?

With StackOS you can ! Here’s how :

Prerequisites —

  • Metamask Wallet with Matic tokens(If you want your application deployed on Polygon chain) or BNB tokens (If you want your application deployed on BSC mainnet chain)
  • Dockerized application for deployment on docker hub or any image registry

Head over to StackOS site.

  1. Get some stack tokens from here.
  2. Go to to deploy your application
  3. Choose from the following :
Select Network and Cluster type as per requirements (note that hpc costs vary from standard)

4. Login to the site with metamask and you’ll be directed to the dashboard

5. Before deploying applications you must know the amount of resources to allocate for its consumption. Then move to the upgrade tab and allocate resources or choose prefined standards according to your applications to get an estimate of pricing for your deployments.

Allocating resources and getting an estimated monthly cost
Predefined allocation of resources for applications

6. After clicking on upgrade and approving matic and stack tokens you’ll be allocated resources on dashboard (Please wait till all transactions have completed)

Check the strip for allocation and limits of resources after success

7. We can click on create new application to deploy our dockerised application

Enter various configs and information related to image which has to be deployed

8. Enter the following :
Application Name- Name of your application (Changes your hosting url according to application name)
Image Name- Enter the Image name hosted on docker registry and in case of private image toggle and provide credentials for accessing the image
Protocol , Container port and Service Access port- Choose the respective parameters according to your container
Host URL- This will be where you can access your application on web3
Check other parameters and options according to requirements.

9. Choose the resources required for current application (by allocating less resources you can run more applications if you have more resources). Before deployment take into consideration about the size of dockerised application and the resources it consumes

choose the properties as required

10. Further we can also choose to whitelist specific ip addresses if needed.

note that whitelists all addresses for application access

11. After the application is deployed , you’ll finally be able to see your application on the given External DNS url.

resources have been completely allocated for the application and it works on the external dns url

And now your application lives on web3 !

Finally after use you can withdraw your tokens and settle your account from the upgrade tab.

Web 3.0 — The Future is here 🌟



Smiral Rashinkar

A Machine Learning Engineer and Tech Evangelist. Generalist who relishes designing and building for ML solutions.